Pisgah national forest
Nature Immersion in Beautiful Pisgah National Forest
May 2-4, 2025
3-Day backpacking retreat through a land of beauty.

Backpacking in Beautiful Pisgah National Forest
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Does life feel hectic? Out of balance? Are you feeling lost? We can help. Join us for this three-day trip backpacking retreat in Beautiful Pisgah National Forest.
Does it feel like no matter how hard you work, even more piles up behind it? Does it feel like no end is in sight? This backpacking retreat is for you! Visit the land of mile-high peaks, cascading waterfalls, and heavily forested slopes; in other words, solitude and splendor are found in the mountains of western North Carolina.
This trip designed for overachieving people in recovery to deepen their journey. It is a chance to both rest and challenge yourself; to uncover you next steps. The trip provides space and time to turn inward. It is a time to recharge while developing goals and building skills. Immersion in nature creates the perfect container for growth and healing. That is to say, unplug and build community. You will find yourself.
This trip would be a great beginning as part of the 6-Month Coaching program (coaching clients pay nothing to attend except for travels expenses). On the other hand, it can be a valuable introduction to the healing of nature on it own.
Find confidence as you build new skills in the many activities incorporated in the experience; challenge yourself and grow. Likewise, hands-on activities will be included each day, allowing individuals to challenge themselves. In fact, the skills gained transition well into everyday life. While engaged, participants will learn how to prepare for backpacking trips, nutrition, mindfulness, navigation skills, Leave No Trace, and more.
We will begin on the first morning with an opportunity to come together as a team, investigate the power of fire, and connect. Afterward, we will begin our journey in earnest. We wrap up the retreat on the afternoon of the third day with closing activities and ceremony.
What you will take away:
- Rest and Relaxation
- A Lightness of Spirit
- A Sense of Purpose
- Your Own Direction
- A Sense of Community
- Confidence to Plan Your Own Trips
What is included:
- All technical gear will be provided for the duration of the trip
- All food for the trip
- Guidance for planning your own trips
- One pre-trip one-on-one coaching session
- One post-trip one-on-one coaching session
- One on-trip one-on-one coaching sessions
- Multiple group activities
- A whole lot of fun and community!
Cost is $799 per participant. All technical gear and food will be provided to each participant during the duration of the trip. Additionally, no prior experience is necessary. However, Participants will carry their own gear. A deposit of $399 is required to reserve your space.
Trip Dates: May 2-4, 2025

Reservation Payment
TERMS – Your reservation is contingent on successful completion of medical screening. After receiving your reservation and deposit, you will receive an email containing the screening and release forms. Return those forms to reserve your spot on this trip as soon as possible.
Free cancellation is available up to 7 days prior to the starting date of the event.
By submitting the deposit, you agree to the terms above.
Contact Us
Western NC: PO Box 1072 Asheville, NC 28802 Phone: 828-793-3733 Email: info@expedrec.com
Southeast PA: PO Box 387 Lancaster, PA 17608 PHONE: 717-431-6622 EMAIL: info@expedrec.com
Expedition Recovery, LLC operates under permit with the U.S. Forest Service.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.
We are a veteran-owned and veteran-operated business.